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What If Hospitality Food Waste Was
Regenerated Into Vital Resources?
The issue
Hong Kong’s hospitality industry produces an average of 778 tonnes of food waste daily, and not enough is being done to firstly avoid generating food waste altogether.
At the same time, there is a lack of viable agro-ecological post-consumer food waste solutions.
Food waste sent to the landfill is not only an inefficient waste of energy and resources, but the nutrients of that food waste is also lost forever, trapped deep within landfill instead of regenerating soils.
with Action

Our Solution
Linking regenerative farming directly with the hospitality industry to offer tangible pathways for greenhouse gas reduction, restoring local soil health and revitalizing the agricultural sector that translate into delectable food choices and boosting local biodiversity.
Hospitality partners collect, segregate and up-cycle their food waste into eco-enzymes through healthy fermentation
Valuable nutrient amendments are returned back to the farm soil via direct connections with local farmers
Local farmers gain access to affordable, low-emission, locally produced bokashi compost and nutrient amendments that improves soil and crop health
Farmers learn how to sensitively apply recovered organic resources, without causing nutrient pollution, to grow tastier, more nutritious crops for hospitality partners and citizens
At a time when climate change, bursting landfills, epidemic malnutrition, and fertilizer shortage coincides, the hospitality industry needs to exemplify leadership in cross-sectoral and urban-rural partnerships that critically and practically confront the food-water-soil-health nexus.
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